Welcome New Patients!!!
Congratulations on taking the first steps towards healing your brain. At BrainCARE, we understand your struggle, not just with the after-effects of a head injury, but the frustration with the medical system that hasn’t helped you get the recovery you want and deserve. Our mission is to partner with you to optimize your recovery to the fullest extent possible. Let's get started!
First, determine which patient you are and click on that selection below.
Second, download the forms for the appropriate selection and complete them.
Third, let’s get your appointment set up through the appropriate channels.
BrainCARE will reach out to you directly to set up your initial appointment once your forms are received at braincareclinic@gmail.com
BrainCARE will reach out to you directly to set up your initial appointment once your forms are received at braincareclinic@gmail.com
Your appointment will be set up through the Brainhealth Education & Research Institute. Email your forms to info@BHERI.org